Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Magazine Offer

So, I got asked by the owner of a HUGE Magazine to write an article about Obama. That was it, no more details. And since I have never written an article before in my life I was nervous out of my mind. I let the CEO know that I had never written before and if it sucked, that I would completely understand and would take any criticism that he was willing to offer. So, I wrote, and I changed, and I edited some more, and then I prayed.....and I emailed it to him. Oh, did I mention that he found meon

Days go by and get finally gets back to me. It is a success!!!!! He likes it and we need to get together to discuss things further. So, I dont say a word...havent told anyone...even feeling jinxed just writing this. But he wants to meet me next week so that he can discuss me putting this into the upcoming edition of the magazine!!!! GOD IS AWESOME AND AMAZING AND JUST>>>>>WOW!!!!

So, here is the piece that I wrote.... I hope you like it:

History vs. Future
By: Arch Nemesis

In the case of History vs Future, The Honorable Barack Obama presiding, the people of America were finally given a voice as the whispers of John F Kennedy and Martin Luther King Jr softly echo for change over the media airwaves each time Mr. President speaks. “Yes, We Can” slightly shadows, “Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country”, and each campaign promise is merely a dream with a higher probability of coming true. Yes, he has similarities to the past but he knows that history is bound to repeat itself if not addressed and changed for the better, and what better way than to make the people accountable.

We, the people, must become a jury of peers and hold one another accountable for this “change” that Obama speaks of in his speeches. The people must put into action what has, in the past, only been spoken of yet never acted upon as Obama clearly points out. I feel Obama wants us to no longer be the defendants or even the witnesses but the prosecuting attorneys in our own homes, communities, churches, and places of employment as we fight for a conviction against the old government on the charges of 1st Degree Stagnant Policies, Premeditated Theft, and Involuntary Movements towards Reform with a life sentence of dream fulfillment , government officials paying taxes, and listening to the average man, and Joe the plumber doesn’t count.

Change starts with the average man, woman and child and somewhere the next spoke in the wheel of change is being welded. Change is beginning before our eyes. And no I don’t mean politicians learning to do the matrix when President Obama points to elect them to a government position and they know that they haven’t paid their taxes. That kind of change, though quite comical, is momentary but is the platform for a greater opportunity if the people of the United States so choose to grab hold and run freely with the possibility of change.

One of the largest changes I have seen with this administration thus far has been the involvement of children and young adults. In DC there are a set of 2 year old twins named Olu and Dela who reply “Barack Obama” when asked, “Who is your president?” There are teenaged African American males who debated how a law gets passed because “ Obama is the man” but “ he cant do anything until other people in the other place pass it.” It's an evolution, and awakening of minds; minds that will bring forth many more changes long after President Obama leaves the White house. These children don’t necessarily see and African American male in the most powerful position of the free world, but they do see what change can look like when it dawns a new suit. When change gets its shot on the stage, to them, it has the possibility of looking wonderful and to many Obama is the only tangible reflection of hope. And somewhere, the next reflection of change is being created.

Somewhere in America, “Change” is awaking to a brighter day and yawning from centuries of hibernation as a sea of Y2K conspiracy theorists figure out that they miscalculated the computer meltdown by 8 years since all computer and alarm clocks now read, “Today” and nothing more. Somewhere in America, a dream is being confirmed by the lips of grandparents who use to pacify the grandchildren who dared to dream as comedians joke to the effect that November 4th, 2008 played out much like a MasterCard commercial….Priceless! Now if there ever was a moment for Ashton Kutcher to wave his Punk’d banner high, now would have been the time as A.M. and P.M. are becoming irrelevant as the definition of “Change” reverberates off of light posts and public streets giving birth to the pregnant hope that once housed the Pledge of Allegiance. You see, TODAY and every TODAY following it, is all about change, be it fast or slow, expected or unexpected, majority or minority; and no matter how hard you try to ignore it, the clock will continue to read, “ Today”. Simply put, “Today” is the time for change and the moment for you to change for time, because somewhere in America a writer is writing an article about Obama and his call for change using court analogies just to prove a point. So,America, please rise. The Obama administration is now in session!

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