Tuesday, April 28, 2009

The ignorant Shall NOT be Spared

I try to make my blog as interesting as possible. But sometimes it is the unexpected truth that is the most hilarious to me. Below you will find a note that I just found in my TAGGED inbox. Unedited and real. Soooo ummm... answer me this.... did this dude really think this was a proper introduction, or is Ashton on the other side of this screen? You tell me. Enjoy! P.S. The Ignorant has not be changed... all stupidity is in its original form.

whats up sexy my name is Terrence

but you can call me Black

im from southeast dc

im 31single

work and looking for friends

if you want to holla hit me

or hit me on my yahoo traswawnget

at me when u get the chance

i just got on this site to see what its about

but i see you are a very sexy woman

maybe if im lucky and you get to know meI got some new music refreshing my page songs like

How real he is

money i got

be with me

shake dat ass


so fresh

I got a story to tell

we aint know


Dr. pussychrusher


stop pass check them out

check out all 10 song let me know what you thinkthe link is at the botton of note

holla backhttp://www.myspace.com/doflachi
OH WAIT!!!!!! This just in!!!! This dumbass is a poet too? hahahahahahahahahaha This shoul dbe on a post of how NOT to introduce yourself to a woman of quality and expect to get the panties...lol. Enjoy:
Cradled between your tender thighs
I lift you to my mouth.The abundance of your wetness greets me
and my mouth overflows with your warm essence.Your sweet taste is on my tongue
and your fragrance delights my senses.No gentle lick this visit.No bashful cautious approach
For I wish to consume you.Push against my hungry mouth
As the tip of my tongue slides up the slippery furrow
that welcomes me between rows of delicate pink petals.Thrust against my generous tongue.Show me the power of your desire
for my oral caress.My exploring tongue lifts the hood
and finds your smooth firm pearl.You squeal in that unique way,signaling that I have found your special spot.
I harden in response.My jaws protests what my open mouth provides
but I am unrelenting in my gift,intent only on your fulfillment.
I feel your body tense,and you are quiet now...Concentrating... bearing down.
Soon now my love,ecstasy approaches.
You push hard and fast against my tongue,shameless in using me
and I so willingly complyuntil you cry out...and in your satisfaction,I will find mine,
But mine will be the greater.From where I lie, nestled between your tender thighs
I see stretching out before methe spectacular landscape of your beautiful body.My nose is surrounded by the untrimmed bush
that sprouts upon a bony ridge.
Unseen, my tongue has found the fountain of your womanhood
and your earthy taste is sweet within my mouth.
My eyes travel across the flat plain of your soft stomach,lingering at that shallow crater
where a small gold ring decorates the rim most distant from me.
It is a rolling meadow to the lush foothills of your breasts.Small firm mountains, a matched set,twin peaks each topped with its own perky nipple
sitting alert as though calling out for attention.
Beyond the mountains your chest and neckdisplay the warm reddish flush that signals your arousal,From where I lie, nestled between your tender thighs
I see stretching out before methe spectacular landscape of your beautiful body.
My nose is surrounded by the untrimmed bushthat sprouts upon a bony ridge.
Unseen, my tongue has found the fountain of your womanhoodand your earthy taste is sweet within my mouth.My eyes travel across the flat plain of your soft stomach,lingering at that shallow craterwhere a small gold ring decorates the rim most distant from me.
It is a rolling meadow to the lush foothills of your breasts.Small firm mountains, a matched set,twin peaks each topped with its own perky nipple
sitting alert as though calling out for attention.Beyond the mountains your chest and neck
display the warm reddish flush that signals your arousal,like flowers announcing the coming of spring.My eyes travel over your chin, finding full lips
that reveal nothing of your intense inner pleasure,save a small upturning of each corner.and in fantasy, I will swallow you up.My mouth will consume you, taking you in
and you becoming a part of me and I of youuntil the plains heave up, the mountains shake,and the bodyscape before me erupts with the furyburied within the deepest strata of your passionate soul.


  1. no comment in particular...I'll let that ignorance die a natural death...

  2. Girl I tried to shoot it, but it was too ignorant to duck so it wasnt as fun as I thought it would be...lol
