Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Adult High School


As of today, I am in extreme like. And this is an improv poem.., freshly created minus spell check! lol

High school crushing on

Ice cold collegiate

in the midst of april showers

dry and protected

like Summer time thrills

from Artic's romantic chill

as it spills into my spine

Southern drawl in Lancealot's bow

Waldo searching for me

in the sea of realization

and I am liking it

Silver fish shelled covering hyena grins

with licked lips of enticement

prisoned actions of control


he is the enticement

better than rest yet not preferred best

and yet he

and my needs met


see where this goes

in a.m. hours
grins of innocence with

honor in your presence

since i dont remember feeling like this

just let it go

purity in all of its tainted passions

hand holding envisioning back scratching

lip biting the need to say I like you

but this here be adult high school

we dont say that here

so dear

its been a pleaure to kick it with you

on showering days in may

and yes you may

when answers seem unclear

school is now in session

and i plan to learn how to be treated like a queen.

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