Tuesday, May 26, 2009

How Can I?

How can I?

by: Arch Nemesis

And he wrote me.

In response to my resposne

to his apology and I sit here stuck.

Crushing yet halting,

afraid to give him another chance.

Living in what ifs

and could have beens

when we were friends

but today I am vulnerable

and cant think straight...

so I do I want him

do I not

do I miss the way he made me laugh

Do I not

but I cant deny that it feels good to be thought of

to be missed

for whatever reason

but today

i'm thought of...

and he is thinking of me

no need to close the thinking gap

no need to rush while he adores me from afar

I am safe there

a far

but how can I turn down wit





how can I?

Okay, so I think I wrote about a guy who acted an ass over a year and a half ago, who writes me out of the blue.. check out the blog. And I finally responded and we start conversing... below is his response, and I will keep you updated. If there is an update. Enjoy

He wrote:

Thanks for taking the time to respond [Arch Nemesis], no apologies necessaryeven it it had been offered. I both know and understand what that'slike not wanting to write (heck I probably wouldn't have written inthe first place if I could've put you out of my mind at all), so yourwriting even though you didn't want to really means a lot to me.

Again, I just want to reiterate how much I lament squandering that opportunity to have gotten to know you. You seemed like one of themore remarkable human beings I've had the pleasure of meeting, andthat sentiment and curiosity has only solidified with the passage oftime.Maybe one of these days you'll give me another shot and lemme take youout for a grilled cheese sandwich or something real classy like agrilled cheese sandwich on a plate :) We can sit around afterwards andblow bubbles at bird baths, see if it's possible to give pigeons diarrhea. At the very least, maybe I can send you a silly email once in a while just to say hi and "don't tase me". If not that's cool too,I'll sleep better simply knowing I won't one day leave this earth withsuch a uniquely sweet wonderful individual as yourself knowing only myjuvenile jackass side.

In any case, I hope this finds you having a wonderful afternoon,hearing from you has really made my day. God bless!

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