Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Findth Me

Findth Me

By: Arch Nemesis

Maybe he was the answer to prayers

left on vestibule shelves in Mayan temples

because God didnt live there

But built summer homes between the bent knuckles of damaged goods

and maybe

just maybe he put Jesus on hold to click over and hear me

eavesdrop on my contemplating letting go of His plan
Turned the dial on his Holidex to match my needs

but would I recognize God's gift when placed before me

with head bowed and esteemed in steam above self not within

daydreaming of held hands

biblical whispers

draped in apologies for following in Eeyore's footsteps

scared am I to be the wrong test to his answer


just maybe he is the contemplation of protagonists in dramatic comedies

long life friends

the arch nemesis to my bullshit

for he findth me when I denied I was lost

but in his memory I dwell

interlaced in comedic timing

of prophetic wants

enclosed by scrolls to document our time

because maybe

just maybe he was the answer to prayers released amongst atheist in and anti-Christ rally

and someone caught the spirit

because when I am in his presence

there is no denying his masculine embrace on my independent stance

which transcribes breadcrumbs into hope for those like me

and they, much like myself

now are believers

Because Maybe

Just maybe

he finally findth me.

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