Monday, April 27, 2009

Just being himself

This past weekend I ran in my 3rd Multiple Sclerosis Walk/Run. 5k of sheer madness and pain. My homegirl Eboni suffered for the cause with me and I thank her for that. So, Saturday I ran in the race, then went to 3 hours of Dance/Mime rehearsal at church and then to theatre rehearsal. Sunday, I woke up and went to the 8am service and then performed at the 10:45 am service with the Mime Ministry. I went home in sheer pain. Every muscle in my body was screaming for me to slap myself as soon as I regained the ability in my Ike Turner hand to do so. Needless to say, I think I may have over done it this weekend, but I am proud that I somehow managed to survive it.

So in pain, on my bed, I reach over and I IM my friend Ray for him to come over. He asked what was wrong and I told him that my allergies were acting up, I had a cold and I was in dyer pain. Without question he said that he was on his way over to take care of me. We went to get something to eat and we came back to my house. He wrapped me up in my mink blanket on my bed and he laid behind me with his head on my hip as we watched a movie on Fios. With his head resting on my hip, his head was within arm's reach for me to gently rub my fingernails across his Ceasar cut as he gave my waistline a firm, yet gentle, hug as he lay there. I dozed off into LaLa land and began to A much needed rest from all that I had done, and Ray, well... he just laid there until it was time for him to go to work. He woke me up and leaned over to give me the best hug that I have received in a long while and I walked him to the door.

I am thankful to have him in my life. Not sure how I want him in my life... but I know I want him there. I have known him for over 5 years, and always crushed on him... but now I see what a good person he is and I am thankful to still be friends with him. If something is to occur, I dont want to rush it. Just having him there to come and lay down with me, because I asked him to come and take a nap with me, and having him actually come and do so..... that spoke volumes. SOmetimes, it just takes a man's presence to make a woman feel safe and secure. We didnt have to talk, he let me sleep and yet I felt close and connected to him. His massages to my sore body helped too..... Just wondering how to approach this, or to even approach it at all. But Ray, gets mega bons points for just being himself.

1 comment:

  1. that's not a common occurence in the least...thank God for beautiful moments that remain so...
