Sunday, April 19, 2009

Out of the Blue

So like...almost two years ago I ran into this comedian. He was an interesting character. He was average looking, tall, and fun to hang around. So i would support him at his events and he would show up and support me at my events as well. After a while we just easily started fitting into each other's social circles in the entertainment scene here in DC. I was a wet behind the ears poet, and in some wasy I still am, and so it was nice to have different types of up and coming entertainment friends.

Well, we start talking on the phone for hours.... I mean high school talking and then fallin on the sleep and just holding the phone til morning type hours. We alsways had something to talk about, to laugh about, etc. We emailed consnstantly while he traveled to different comedy gigs. And it lookedd extremely promising. Until.....there is always a freaking until, right....this one night when he took it overboard.

It was one of his comedy shows and he had invited me to come. Maybe it was the fact that he had invited a group of his friends and he felt likehe had something to prove. I flirt...yes... but I never flirt to the point where anyone could mistaken what am trying to tell them when my response is negative. So he is a gentleman as usua, opening doors, pulling out chairs, etc. He is hosting the show this night, when out of the blue he refers to m as his girlfriend. I am like.... what the hell? He's cool...but dont lie on me in your act. So people are telling me that we looklike ma good couple, how long have we ben together, etc (damn there are a ton of etc in this note). And then he comes back to the table and he is holdingmy hand... innocent. And he asks for a sip out of my cup.....innocent. But then he kisses me on the cheek....awkwad timing(sign number one). Then as we are leaving, he kisses me on the lipsin front of his friend...(WTF?!!!!) Mind you, we have never really spoken about anything romantic, about dating... NOTHING. It was just a hella cool friend thing to me. ANd why would you want your first kiss to be so awkward? So he takes me to the car and he is literally not getting the hint that I dont want to kissbut proceeds to do so any way. I push him away and get into thetruck. He brings me home and I go to give him a hug and he is kissing me again, and I just chalked it up to him being drunkl trying to impress his boys and that I would discuss this when he returnsfrom his comedy trip, as not to , mess up his money on his tour by him not performing well because he was upset or disappointed in himself. So when he returned, I gladly let him know he was out of line and that I didnt want to have anything else to do with him.And I left it at that.

UNTIL!!! (I told ya!) I wake up a few moments ago and found the email below. I dont even know how to respond or if I even want to respond. I need feedback. HELP!!!! What should I say, if anything. A polite...thanks for the apology or Okay let's met up. I am so clueless right now. Whycant they act right the first time around. There might be an obvious answer here.... but i honestly cant see it. HELP!!! Here is his email:

Hi (Arch Nemesis), what's it been, like 18 months since I saw you last? Wastrying to get to sleep around 2 in the morning last night and you justpopped in my head, out of nowhere. Once you were in there I couldn'tget you out, and even more interesting, I couldn't even make myselfwant to. As I tossed and turned (does anyone ever toss withoutturning?) couldn't help but remember how receiving and reading youremails used to make me smile (both inside and out), how much I enjoyedtalking to you, the sight of your smile at Takoma Station and howelectric and exciting it was just touching your hand that night wehung out in Adams Morgan.

I think about how we left things off and I am unspeakably embarrassedat how immature I was. In retrospect it was really moving that youwere considerate enough to wait until after my comedy trip to evenvoice your concerns with me, making the childishness of my reactionyet another heap of coals upon my head. That's not me, and while Iwill always delight in being both mischievous and affectionate,especially with someone as infectiously adorable as you, there'ssimply no excuse for the way I carried myself that week.

I don't know if you're seeing someone now or if you're even inclinedto interact at this point, but if you are interested/available itwould be the joy of joys to talk and/or see you again sometime in thenear future and prove I'm not the cad my behavior that week made meout to be. I'm going to be away from the computer today, but pleasefeel free to shoot me a text or ring if you want to talk or gettogether today or later. No hard feelings if you'd rather not or havefound somebody who treats you like the sweet sexy adorable goofballgem that you are. We only live once and I just would've felt like evenmore of a clown if I didn't reach out and at a minimum get that off my chest.

Fondly Yours,Mike

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