Friday, April 17, 2009

Day Four of Fitness!


So, after the fact that I cant feel my thighs nor the place where my butt is SUPPOSED to be.... yesterday was fun. Eboni and I showed up for the bootcamp class and the guys at the front desk said that it would be in intervals. SO I thought it would be great to get in some interval running before the start of the next session.

Mind you, Ms. Eboni gets on the treadmill and is complaining up a storm about how long it had been since she ran, and yadda yadda yadda... then she turns around and kicks out at full speed when we crank the treadmill up to 5.0 like it was nothing!!!!!!. I wanted to hit her in her face for that non So we did 30 minutes of interval training, then literally over an hour of weights.

Sidebar: If you EVER, EVER, EVER!!!!! See Eboni pick up weights of any kind.... BITCH RUN!!!!! That girl has NO, and I honestly without exaggeration mean, NO upper body strength whatsoever!!!!!! That girl was dropping weights and breaking machines as veins were popping out of her neck... all the while the weight was only on 22 Ouch my NOw back to our regularly scheduled programming.

So we stretched to close out the session... and that is when the second bootcamp class started. Mind you, we had already been in the gym for close to two hours. So, Eboni and I just sat there and watched them workout while we stretched....lmao! They were sweating hard too!! hahaha. And then we went to IHOP! hahahahahahaha . Dont ask me what I ate, because I will ignore you. lol. BUt it was good to have a buddy there who could hang with me in the gym. Tons of laughs, fun, and outside of the mae personal trainers....she was a ton of motivation. I told her it was good to have someone there to actually see me in action because I know it is sometimes hard to believe that I go in that gym, by myself, and kick it out as hard as I tell you all I do. Well, now I have a witness that I go hard!!!! And then we got tiny massages after we left the So yesterday was a good. day. Love yall. God bless!


  1. oh, just put me on blast in front of God and errybody... :p

  2. hahahahahahahaahah Whatever. I 'm not afraid of you hitting me. Your punches wouldnt
