Wednesday, April 22, 2009

I am Earth

by: Arch Nemesis

I am earth
Linked through my body and in tune with her Nature
From achy knees on rainy days to Mesopotamian clay colored hue
Marking spring with swollen eyes and stuffed nose
I am earth
With respect for grassed areas to the recognition of lilies
And the smell of magnolias
Dancing in the rain
in all white as not to taint it’s purity
Quartz filled eyes at sunrise
To miniature raindrops at my sister’s wedding
I am earth
Birthed to respect my mother
In her presence or not
Bound by the theory that my body is my temple
Be it made from water placed in mother’s womb to cleanse my soul
With onyx hair
To coco bean flare
to charcoal feet on summer time concrete streets
Dressed in earthly manipulations to enhance my connection to her
Mother Earth
Mother Nature
I am she
Able to see that I am in nature
Cant be defined without my kin
I am the diamond in the rough that escaped bloody trails
I am the pearl in the ocean that will always be a treasure
You see I am chimp like with my long arms
Parrot like in my conversation
Tigress in my pride
Chameleon in my hide
I tell you now
I am earth
And earth is me
Should feel jolted every time a whale isn’t freed
Should be compelled to tap into my inner hippie and just hug a freakin’ tree
Release myself from socialistic confines and see what it is that my neighbors are doing to we
The earth
So do we not care about ourselves
B/c I may not be the grass that I stepped on but I was the ocean in which you spit
While my sister was the maple that was in the way of your construction path
My mother sat on the cloud that overlooked the plot for the sky scraper that now stands
We are the elements of destruction to elements of us
I am earth
Please stop chipping away at me
I am earth
Please stop destroying me
No, for real
I am earth
And so are you
Reconnect to self and you will find the truth
I am earth
I need your love and support too
I am earth
I am earth
I am earth

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