Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Earth Day Poem

Mother's Nature

By: Arch Nemesis

I saw mother nature exiting an abortion clinic
Head bowed
Marching through the picket signs of
Save the Trees
And endangered species have heart beats too
As she released her quake of wrath beneath a Tuscan sun
Sending a tsunami of tears to capsize the lens of the paparazzi trying to catch the scoop
She releases years of aggression
She said she couldn’t do it on her own
Refused to give birth to another tree
Or tiger
Because she saw what the world had become
Didn’t care about social ideas on her killing parts of herself
Because everyone else is doing it too
Pondering what ever happened to the village that promised to help raise her child
When were they going to step in
Where were they now
B/c no one even knew she was pregnant
Never noticed the signs
because it was not in mother’s nature to complain
To raise her voice or show emotion
Though she did suffer from depression
At the slow progression of her kids
Being chopped down,
and entrapped by the system
Environmental gentrification
Hood stories is ecosystem timelines
Subtle signs of agitation lead to how she is feeling
From lukewarm winters
And December summers
Lady-like in her approach
She cleaned after us for years
She cant bend over to Exxon
Selling seashells by her eroded seashores
And not cleaning up after they played
So she allows Father Time to be the disciplinarian
Bi Polar caps melting into tornado repetitions
And we chalk it up to Men don’t pause
Hot flashes in the midst of pollution
Children taking their mother for granted
Enchanted by the thought that she will always be there for you
There will be no lullabies to calves
Or education to angel fish
as the schools are empty below the sea
Which is rising,
Turning continents into Stationary Titanics
Who never saw the iceberg rising at their ankles
Unaware to the globe’s warm embrace in erratic bursts
Followed by sporadic acid tears of the angels praying for Mother Nature
Praying as she prays
Saving the earth as she prays
And she prayed that she doesn’t have to see another child of the earth not make it to its fullest potential.
I saw Mother Nature at the abortion clinic
And she asked that I stall her until the world did something that would make her cancel her appointment..
I stalled Mother Nature today while she prayed

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