Tuesday, April 28, 2009

The ignorant Shall NOT be Spared

I try to make my blog as interesting as possible. But sometimes it is the unexpected truth that is the most hilarious to me. Below you will find a note that I just found in my TAGGED inbox. Unedited and real. Soooo ummm... answer me this.... did this dude really think this was a proper introduction, or is Ashton on the other side of this screen? You tell me. Enjoy! P.S. The Ignorant has not be changed... all stupidity is in its original form.

whats up sexy my name is Terrence

but you can call me Black

im from southeast dc

im 31single

work and looking for friends

if you want to holla hit me

or hit me on my yahoo traswawnget

at me when u get the chance

i just got on this site to see what its about

but i see you are a very sexy woman

maybe if im lucky and you get to know meI got some new music refreshing my page songs like

How real he is

money i got

be with me

shake dat ass


so fresh

I got a story to tell

we aint know


Dr. pussychrusher


stop pass check them out

check out all 10 song let me know what you thinkthe link is at the botton of note

holla backhttp://www.myspace.com/doflachi
OH WAIT!!!!!! This just in!!!! This dumbass is a poet too? hahahahahahahahahaha This shoul dbe on a post of how NOT to introduce yourself to a woman of quality and expect to get the panties...lol. Enjoy:
Cradled between your tender thighs
I lift you to my mouth.The abundance of your wetness greets me
and my mouth overflows with your warm essence.Your sweet taste is on my tongue
and your fragrance delights my senses.No gentle lick this visit.No bashful cautious approach
For I wish to consume you.Push against my hungry mouth
As the tip of my tongue slides up the slippery furrow
that welcomes me between rows of delicate pink petals.Thrust against my generous tongue.Show me the power of your desire
for my oral caress.My exploring tongue lifts the hood
and finds your smooth firm pearl.You squeal in that unique way,signaling that I have found your special spot.
I harden in response.My jaws protests what my open mouth provides
but I am unrelenting in my gift,intent only on your fulfillment.
I feel your body tense,and you are quiet now...Concentrating... bearing down.
Soon now my love,ecstasy approaches.
You push hard and fast against my tongue,shameless in using me
and I so willingly complyuntil you cry out...and in your satisfaction,I will find mine,
But mine will be the greater.From where I lie, nestled between your tender thighs
I see stretching out before methe spectacular landscape of your beautiful body.My nose is surrounded by the untrimmed bush
that sprouts upon a bony ridge.
Unseen, my tongue has found the fountain of your womanhood
and your earthy taste is sweet within my mouth.
My eyes travel across the flat plain of your soft stomach,lingering at that shallow crater
where a small gold ring decorates the rim most distant from me.
It is a rolling meadow to the lush foothills of your breasts.Small firm mountains, a matched set,twin peaks each topped with its own perky nipple
sitting alert as though calling out for attention.
Beyond the mountains your chest and neckdisplay the warm reddish flush that signals your arousal,From where I lie, nestled between your tender thighs
I see stretching out before methe spectacular landscape of your beautiful body.
My nose is surrounded by the untrimmed bushthat sprouts upon a bony ridge.
Unseen, my tongue has found the fountain of your womanhoodand your earthy taste is sweet within my mouth.My eyes travel across the flat plain of your soft stomach,lingering at that shallow craterwhere a small gold ring decorates the rim most distant from me.
It is a rolling meadow to the lush foothills of your breasts.Small firm mountains, a matched set,twin peaks each topped with its own perky nipple
sitting alert as though calling out for attention.Beyond the mountains your chest and neck
display the warm reddish flush that signals your arousal,like flowers announcing the coming of spring.My eyes travel over your chin, finding full lips
that reveal nothing of your intense inner pleasure,save a small upturning of each corner.and in fantasy, I will swallow you up.My mouth will consume you, taking you in
and you becoming a part of me and I of youuntil the plains heave up, the mountains shake,and the bodyscape before me erupts with the furyburied within the deepest strata of your passionate soul.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Just being himself

This past weekend I ran in my 3rd Multiple Sclerosis Walk/Run. 5k of sheer madness and pain. My homegirl Eboni suffered for the cause with me and I thank her for that. So, Saturday I ran in the race, then went to 3 hours of Dance/Mime rehearsal at church and then to theatre rehearsal. Sunday, I woke up and went to the 8am service and then performed at the 10:45 am service with the Mime Ministry. I went home in sheer pain. Every muscle in my body was screaming for me to slap myself as soon as I regained the ability in my Ike Turner hand to do so. Needless to say, I think I may have over done it this weekend, but I am proud that I somehow managed to survive it.

So in pain, on my bed, I reach over and I IM my friend Ray for him to come over. He asked what was wrong and I told him that my allergies were acting up, I had a cold and I was in dyer pain. Without question he said that he was on his way over to take care of me. We went to get something to eat and we came back to my house. He wrapped me up in my mink blanket on my bed and he laid behind me with his head on my hip as we watched a movie on Fios. With his head resting on my hip, his head was within arm's reach for me to gently rub my fingernails across his Ceasar cut as he gave my waistline a firm, yet gentle, hug as he lay there. I dozed off into LaLa land and began to snore...lol. A much needed rest from all that I had done, and Ray, well... he just laid there until it was time for him to go to work. He woke me up and leaned over to give me the best hug that I have received in a long while and I walked him to the door.

I am thankful to have him in my life. Not sure how I want him in my life... but I know I want him there. I have known him for over 5 years, and always crushed on him... but now I see what a good person he is and I am thankful to still be friends with him. If something is to occur, I dont want to rush it. Just having him there to come and lay down with me, because I asked him to come and take a nap with me, and having him actually come and do so..... that spoke volumes. SOmetimes, it just takes a man's presence to make a woman feel safe and secure. We didnt have to talk, he let me sleep and yet I felt close and connected to him. His massages to my sore body helped too..... Just wondering how to approach this, or to even approach it at all. But Ray, gets mega bons points for just being himself.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

I am Earth

by: Arch Nemesis

I am earth
Linked through my body and in tune with her Nature
From achy knees on rainy days to Mesopotamian clay colored hue
Marking spring with swollen eyes and stuffed nose
I am earth
With respect for grassed areas to the recognition of lilies
And the smell of magnolias
Dancing in the rain
in all white as not to taint it’s purity
Quartz filled eyes at sunrise
To miniature raindrops at my sister’s wedding
I am earth
Birthed to respect my mother
In her presence or not
Bound by the theory that my body is my temple
Be it made from water placed in mother’s womb to cleanse my soul
With onyx hair
To coco bean flare
to charcoal feet on summer time concrete streets
Dressed in earthly manipulations to enhance my connection to her
Mother Earth
Mother Nature
I am she
Able to see that I am in nature
Cant be defined without my kin
I am the diamond in the rough that escaped bloody trails
I am the pearl in the ocean that will always be a treasure
You see I am chimp like with my long arms
Parrot like in my conversation
Tigress in my pride
Chameleon in my hide
I tell you now
I am earth
And earth is me
Should feel jolted every time a whale isn’t freed
Should be compelled to tap into my inner hippie and just hug a freakin’ tree
Release myself from socialistic confines and see what it is that my neighbors are doing to we
The earth
So do we not care about ourselves
B/c I may not be the grass that I stepped on but I was the ocean in which you spit
While my sister was the maple that was in the way of your construction path
My mother sat on the cloud that overlooked the plot for the sky scraper that now stands
We are the elements of destruction to elements of us
I am earth
Please stop chipping away at me
I am earth
Please stop destroying me
No, for real
I am earth
And so are you
Reconnect to self and you will find the truth
I am earth
I need your love and support too
I am earth
I am earth
I am earth

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Earth Day Poem

Mother's Nature

By: Arch Nemesis

I saw mother nature exiting an abortion clinic
Head bowed
Marching through the picket signs of
Save the Trees
And endangered species have heart beats too
As she released her quake of wrath beneath a Tuscan sun
Sending a tsunami of tears to capsize the lens of the paparazzi trying to catch the scoop
She releases years of aggression
She said she couldn’t do it on her own
Refused to give birth to another tree
Or tiger
Because she saw what the world had become
Didn’t care about social ideas on her killing parts of herself
Because everyone else is doing it too
Pondering what ever happened to the village that promised to help raise her child
When were they going to step in
Where were they now
B/c no one even knew she was pregnant
Never noticed the signs
because it was not in mother’s nature to complain
To raise her voice or show emotion
Though she did suffer from depression
At the slow progression of her kids
Being chopped down,
and entrapped by the system
Environmental gentrification
Hood stories is ecosystem timelines
Subtle signs of agitation lead to how she is feeling
From lukewarm winters
And December summers
Lady-like in her approach
She cleaned after us for years
She cant bend over to Exxon
Selling seashells by her eroded seashores
And not cleaning up after they played
So she allows Father Time to be the disciplinarian
Bi Polar caps melting into tornado repetitions
And we chalk it up to Men don’t pause
Hot flashes in the midst of pollution
Children taking their mother for granted
Enchanted by the thought that she will always be there for you
There will be no lullabies to calves
Or education to angel fish
as the schools are empty below the sea
Which is rising,
Turning continents into Stationary Titanics
Who never saw the iceberg rising at their ankles
Unaware to the globe’s warm embrace in erratic bursts
Followed by sporadic acid tears of the angels praying for Mother Nature
Praying as she prays
Saving the earth as she prays
And she prayed that she doesn’t have to see another child of the earth not make it to its fullest potential.
I saw Mother Nature at the abortion clinic
And she asked that I stall her until the world did something that would make her cancel her appointment..
I stalled Mother Nature today while she prayed

Monday, April 20, 2009

He didnt even.....

Wow... i have no clue where to begin on this one....

Well, a few weeks ago I had asked this guy, who I liked, if he wanted to go to this event with me. He said, sure...why not. All was well, right? Not! Over the weeks in between the invitation I have slowly, but surely, begun the process of falling out of like with him. He doesn't put forth any effort on his part to even make me think that he would like me back. Just sucky!

So last week I began the process of calling, emailing, IM-ing and texting him to see if he was still up to going to the event. I didnt get a return call or smoke signal until the day of the event. 2 hours before, to be exact. I was confronted with comments like " I will meet you there", " Dang, you mean I have to come pick you up, " to "You mean I have to dress up". All of which were working my nerves before he even showed up!!!

I have to up my standards again to the point where I dont come out my house unless the guy is at my front door... no more horn honking. Iwill, also, forever require that my door be opened upon my arrival at the car and upon my exiting the car.I am also convinced that I have indeed lowered my standards over the past few years, and he was the culmination of such decline and I cant take it any more.

So, once inside of the club (Park @ 14th) he isnt really saying much as we stand in line. He doesnt say much to me as we wait to be seated. Once seated, he doesnt say much. Therefore, I begin to make my rounds to tables of people that I know. Friends who are out and about throughout the restuarant on the different levels. Love Jones is playing on all television screens and blaring through the speakers and you cant help but feel love in the air. People are all bunned up with their loves and I am stuck next to THIS dude! Is he my man? Umm, thankfully (in retrospect) No! But still!!! He is not even sitting next to me, he's updating his Facebook status, and trying to invite his brother to come to an event that I INVITED HIM TO!!!! How FUCKING RUDE!!!! I guess I am pissed because I saw so MUCH freaking potential in him.
He was tall, handsome, educated, loving father, comedic potential, just...perfect from the outside. I was enamoured with his voice, his looks, and his wit..... but turned off by his insecurities, lack of affection and romance, and his lack of communication.Wasted potential when it came to me having anything serious with him. There is more to the story of course, but the jist of it is that he wasnt making me happy and I know he will make some extremely happy.

Couples all around me and I get stuck with the dude who doesnt kiss, isnt affectionate, and loves his blackberry more than anything in this world. The whole experience is taking its toll on me. I am breaking down emotionally, second by second. I literally lower my head and put my hands in my head and just pray as I physically feel pain in my chest at the disappointment of the whole situation. Outside of him asking me what's wrong... or a remark about the movie here and there...that was my only form of conversation with him the entire night. I reply that nothing is wrong with me just to keep the peace out in public. I cant touch the topic because I dont want to start crying. I dont want to display my business out in public, so I just bottle it up inside. But for once..... I wish I had a guy who was "just that into me" to want to make sure that I am having a good time.

So, outside of him noticing that I straightened my hair.... I never heard a compliment that I looked nice, that the change in hair looked nice, nothing. I didnt fish for a compliment either... I just let it be. Just sucked not to get one. And of course you notice when a guy is checking out other females when they walk by.... and normally I dont mind (when my guy is treating me with respect, then he is more than welcome to look only at females that pass by) but when you are not feeling appreciated, wanted, liked..... the stares become disrespectful and feed seeds of doubt. And he had more energy in his system when he introduced me to his 3 female friends that he found in the club than in the entire 2 hours that he was near me at the table. Just hurts, that's all. Not to mention that, yes, I invited him..... but when the bill came, he immediatelya sked if he wanted me to take his money as I pay for the entire bill with my credit card. He total campe out to be about $10 w/ tax and that is exactly what he gave me... no tip, nothing! Just tactless... made me want to scream.

I tried, and I tried, and I waited as I contemplated trying again. Yet, i cant be in a situation/relationshp/friendship by myself. So, on the car ride home he is talking up a storm.... and I hate it. Disgusted by it. He rubs my arm as apart of a joke and I snatch my arm away. I cant take it. I am boiling as I sit in the passenger seat. I call a friend of mine just to fill in the silence. Left a message. I cant wait to get out of the car. I thank him for the ride.... and I close the door behind me. I immediately walk into the house and i delete him from all of my friends list and email accounts. I closed the doos onhim b/c I am tired. So..... that part of my life is over.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Out of the Blue

So like...almost two years ago I ran into this comedian. He was an interesting character. He was average looking, tall, and fun to hang around. So i would support him at his events and he would show up and support me at my events as well. After a while we just easily started fitting into each other's social circles in the entertainment scene here in DC. I was a wet behind the ears poet, and in some wasy I still am, and so it was nice to have different types of up and coming entertainment friends.

Well, we start talking on the phone for hours.... I mean high school talking and then fallin on the sleep and just holding the phone til morning type hours. We alsways had something to talk about, to laugh about, etc. We emailed consnstantly while he traveled to different comedy gigs. And it lookedd extremely promising. Until.....there is always a freaking until, right....this one night when he took it overboard.

It was one of his comedy shows and he had invited me to come. Maybe it was the fact that he had invited a group of his friends and he felt likehe had something to prove. I flirt...yes... but I never flirt to the point where anyone could mistaken what am trying to tell them when my response is negative. So he is a gentleman as usua, opening doors, pulling out chairs, etc. He is hosting the show this night, when out of the blue he refers to m as his girlfriend. I am like.... what the hell? He's cool...but dont lie on me in your act. So people are telling me that we looklike ma good couple, how long have we ben together, etc (damn there are a ton of etc in this note). And then he comes back to the table and he is holdingmy hand... innocent. And he asks for a sip out of my cup.....innocent. But then he kisses me on the cheek....awkwad timing(sign number one). Then as we are leaving, he kisses me on the lipsin front of his friend...(WTF?!!!!) Mind you, we have never really spoken about anything romantic, about dating... NOTHING. It was just a hella cool friend thing to me. ANd why would you want your first kiss to be so awkward? So he takes me to the car and he is literally not getting the hint that I dont want to kissbut proceeds to do so any way. I push him away and get into thetruck. He brings me home and I go to give him a hug and he is kissing me again, and I just chalked it up to him being drunkl trying to impress his boys and that I would discuss this when he returnsfrom his comedy trip, as not to , mess up his money on his tour by him not performing well because he was upset or disappointed in himself. So when he returned, I gladly let him know he was out of line and that I didnt want to have anything else to do with him.And I left it at that.

UNTIL!!! (I told ya!) I wake up a few moments ago and found the email below. I dont even know how to respond or if I even want to respond. I need feedback. HELP!!!! What should I say, if anything. A polite...thanks for the apology or Okay let's met up. I am so clueless right now. Whycant they act right the first time around. There might be an obvious answer here.... but i honestly cant see it. HELP!!! Here is his email:

Hi (Arch Nemesis), what's it been, like 18 months since I saw you last? Wastrying to get to sleep around 2 in the morning last night and you justpopped in my head, out of nowhere. Once you were in there I couldn'tget you out, and even more interesting, I couldn't even make myselfwant to. As I tossed and turned (does anyone ever toss withoutturning?) couldn't help but remember how receiving and reading youremails used to make me smile (both inside and out), how much I enjoyedtalking to you, the sight of your smile at Takoma Station and howelectric and exciting it was just touching your hand that night wehung out in Adams Morgan.

I think about how we left things off and I am unspeakably embarrassedat how immature I was. In retrospect it was really moving that youwere considerate enough to wait until after my comedy trip to evenvoice your concerns with me, making the childishness of my reactionyet another heap of coals upon my head. That's not me, and while Iwill always delight in being both mischievous and affectionate,especially with someone as infectiously adorable as you, there'ssimply no excuse for the way I carried myself that week.

I don't know if you're seeing someone now or if you're even inclinedto interact at this point, but if you are interested/available itwould be the joy of joys to talk and/or see you again sometime in thenear future and prove I'm not the cad my behavior that week made meout to be. I'm going to be away from the computer today, but pleasefeel free to shoot me a text or ring if you want to talk or gettogether today or later. No hard feelings if you'd rather not or havefound somebody who treats you like the sweet sexy adorable goofballgem that you are. We only live once and I just would've felt like evenmore of a clown if I didn't reach out and at a minimum get that off my chest.

Fondly Yours,Mike

Friday, April 17, 2009

Day Four of Fitness!


So, after the fact that I cant feel my thighs nor the place where my butt is SUPPOSED to be.... yesterday was fun. Eboni and I showed up for the bootcamp class and the guys at the front desk said that it would be in intervals. SO I thought it would be great to get in some interval running before the start of the next session.

Mind you, Ms. Eboni gets on the treadmill and is complaining up a storm about how long it had been since she ran, and yadda yadda yadda... then she turns around and kicks out at full speed when we crank the treadmill up to 5.0 like it was nothing!!!!!!. I wanted to hit her in her face for that non sense...lol. So we did 30 minutes of interval training, then literally over an hour of weights.

Sidebar: If you EVER, EVER, EVER!!!!! See Eboni pick up weights of any kind.... BITCH RUN!!!!! That girl has NO, and I honestly without exaggeration mean, NO upper body strength whatsoever!!!!!! That girl was dropping weights and breaking machines as veins were popping out of her neck... all the while the weight was only on 22 lbs...lol. Ouch my side....lol. NOw back to our regularly scheduled programming.

So we stretched to close out the session... and that is when the second bootcamp class started. Mind you, we had already been in the gym for close to two hours. So, Eboni and I just sat there and watched them workout while we stretched....lmao! They were sweating hard too!! hahaha. And then we went to IHOP! hahahahahahaha . Dont ask me what I ate, because I will ignore you. lol. BUt it was good to have a buddy there who could hang with me in the gym. Tons of laughs, fun, and outside of the mae personal trainers....she was a ton of motivation. I told her it was good to have someone there to actually see me in action because I know it is sometimes hard to believe that I go in that gym, by myself, and kick it out as hard as I tell you all I do. Well, now I have a witness that I go hard!!!! And then we got tiny massages after we left the gym...lol. So yesterday was a good. day. Love yall. God bless!

Monday, April 6, 2009


Simply put.... WTF????!!!!!!!!!

So, there was this guy that I was kicking it with. From my perspective, we were just Frienefits! There was nothing said up front about why the two of us were even kicking it with one another. HE fit into my schedule. He was busy with Softball and I was busy with my Extracurricular activities. He would come and kick it with me at my spots before Softball Tournaments began and I missed those days, yet understood he had to do what he loved to do. NO prob there. He also has the most adorable lil girl that I have ever laid eyes on. His daughter is sassy personified, and just brilliant. You have no choice but to smile when you see a pic of her. He makes a wonderful father and I know that takes up time too. Coming to think of it... I never even asked for his time. I let him offer it.

I learned the hard way that if someone wants to be around you, then trust they will find a way for the two of you to meet up and kick it without any excuses, despite obstacles, all for the time they want to share. So, when he did come over it was ( and I will take blame here) almost like it was for sex only! I mean even enemies talk, but not us so much. And yet, I still thought that he was a cool kid, a tad bit insecure in himself, yet hella sexy, my ideal guy physically...just not there for me emotionally or attentively. So, sex it was, and sex it stayed.

Side note: He has this obsession or lack of obsession... borderline phobia of kissing. So, he lets me know that. So even during sex I am feeling like a hoe that I have to dodge his mouth when trying to get some passion back from him. I mean even hoes say they will do everything else but wont kiss, and that is what I felt like. The hired help, so to speak. This lack of kissing took me out of a wonderful moment ( did I mention that he is beautifully blessed? if not, well now I did) so it just sucked ( no pun intended) that I couldn't get any passion back from him. SO I take full responsibility for making myself feel like a hoe with a guy who didn't kiss me.

He also doesn't hug, hold hands, or much other affectionate stuff unless we cuddle after sex.....a shocker! I think his cuddling is the most affectionate that he ever gets and I enjoy it. It is just hard to connect with a person who you never, see never talk to, and when you do it isn't much talking, there is no affection there, but rather just pure lust with no point.

So I gave up. I played my part as the frienefit. I made sure I didn't ask for any of his time. I called to return a call as not to take up any of his time. And I went about my business. So, in doing so...going about my business that is.... I made up my mind on a lot of things. Those things being:
1. No more frienefit situations
2. I am not ashamed of this situation.... simply because I learned from it
3. The next person was not going to be faulted
4. I dont return back into history.....so I would move forward after him.

Shortly thereafter I started crushing on a friend of mine who I hang out with all the time but am just now starting to notice him in that way. He is not really my conscious type, but there is something about him that makes me gitty and all girly. So, the new guy has been popping up everywhere that I am (not in a stalker type way, but more like a... I want to kick it with you kind of way) The new person by the way is the guy in my Sexy Nerd Blog. Now, the new guy shows up to an event that I am hosting.. out of the blue. He has never come to this event before. But there he is. So... I make sure I make him feel at home because he came by himself and had a ball. I would walk over too him and wrap my arm around his waist and rub up and down his lower back. He reciprocated in the most gentle and gentleman like way that it made my heart melt.

At one point in the night I actually closed my eyes when he had taken his had off my back for a long period of time, and prayed that he would put it back. And he did....small prayer answered. He offered to buy me a drink, and I would have let him... but I don't have to pay for drinks at this event so I got him a free drink instead because I would have felt guilty for him having to pay for a drink I get for free. Otherwise I would have gladly let him be the guy and get it for me. Hope that didn't backfire. But I got hungry so I went and got a Salmon Caesar salad.... and I fed it to him. I wanted to share..... so I thought, what better way to flirt...than to feed him the food. He embraced me the whole time we stood up near the bar as I fed him. Then we joked about having fish breath. When it was time to go, I left early with him and we separated as he walked me to the metro and he went into the opposite direction.

So, Saturday I am IM-ing the old guy and said, "well since you are in my friends' category for like..uumm.... life, I need your advice. " To which he said okay. Upon relaying the story... the old guy told me that he was jealous that I never fed him!!! Sorry... frienefits don't get the romantic benefits. And I was thinking to myself.... when Was I suppose to have time to feed you again? And over the course of the conversation... I just blew up!!! I was pissed. Where was all of this attention when I was waiting for it? I could care less about time... I know that sounds weird, but I do like attention. An email that says hello... says a whole lot more than 3 hours of talking. Odd, yet so true. The times that we did spend together could have been more memorable if a hug, or a kiss were exchanged.

To which he replies, "if you would have kissed me I wouldn't ave turned away". WTF!!!? Why am I always stuck in these bitch ass situations where the guy leaves it up to me to do everything. If you want to freakin kiss me, BITCH ASS, JUST KISS ME!!! Not calling anyone in particular a bitch ass....just the bitch ass who waits for me to do it. I mean really. I am not one of those pushy girls any more... I dont have the energy or the emotional strength to chase a guy, plus.. I'm not even suppose to. So... if anyone wants me, they have to work for it. And the old guy wasn't making his "like" for me...if that, known so I moved on. And that is how I prepared myself for a wonderful evening with friends.....lol.

I just don't get it, when I am in your face, you don't want me, then the minute that I step away you get jealous (real or faux). But I don't backpedal either.... he can thank the bitch asses before him. I will NOT run after a guy.... Thanks Mr. TN III for teaching me that valuable lesson of stupidity. So, now I can go on to living my life having got that out of my system.

In His Defense

In His Defense
by: Arch Nemesis

In his defense
I see why he hit her
My baby sister
Why he
Beat her
Out of love
Fear that she would leave
Because there have been times
Times when I had the urge to choke
To beat her myself
In counteraction to his abusive reaction
And I did it out of love
So who is wrong
He or i
For the product of her swollen eyes
Unable to see who loves her more
When silent prayers and constant questioning
Doesn’t say I love you enough
His right hook trumps my upper cut
With bedtime kisses
And internal manipulation that seems to touch her soul
While I could only reach her skin
Tried to tell her something
But only his whispers are picked up on her radar
As he puts something on her mind that makes concussions look like a wish list request
At best
I can never really love her as much as he loves her
As I snatch her up out of his arms
An action of defeat at the fact that she can’t think for herself
But something about him makes her run back
I wish I could learn his Rick James & Ike Turner combinations that make her neglect her kids
Just to ensure that he won’t leave
But my press-ons don’t dig scratches deep enough to draw blood or
Make her want to donate an ovary to love
After his fists teach his would be sons about Ali from their pre-womb abode
I use to love her without yelling
Before he entered the scene
And now real love aint been common sense
She neglects her book sense to contribute to this bull-ish
Letting her be, fuels his methodology that no one is there for her
I’m so elated
That at least this time her wounds can be medicated
Prematurely stated
As his fist misjudges her head for the wall when he threw the phone
Soon E.T. wont be able to phone home and he likes it that way
Likes it when I want to beat some sense into her,
Yet hypothetically
I can understand why he hits her
Beats her out of love
Never said we were right
But for our love for her
I guess like recognizes like
No one more wrong than right
I just hope his love for her will at least let her make it through tonight

Thursday, April 2, 2009

I am Engaged/Married!!!!!

Today, I became engaged. Not to anyone, but to the Hope and Idea that it has already happened. Well not quite,yet and still, it has. If the Law of Attraction holds true I manifested my current engagement. Confused? Watch The Secret and What the Bleep DO We KNow and get back to me. Movie night at my house if you can find it, my house that is....lmao.

But I send forth a prayer right now to God, The Universe, Allah, Myself, and anyone else who shall listen..... I AM ENGAGED! I pray for self worth, determiniation, courtship, romance, intelligence, honesty, loyalty, financial stability, chastity, individuality, an open mind and freedom of expression. I pray for fitness, physical health, mental health, spiritual wealth, and prosperity. I pray all these things not for my husband, but for myself for my husband. Because I saw him in a dream and I kow that he.....he deserves those things in me. I pray to be found. I pray to break the curse of my family. I pray for eternity and next life too.

So, I thank all of you for coming to my wedding last week. Who would have known that I would have gotten married before I turned 30. AMAZING!!!! My dress was fly, I designed it!! My husband looked adorably handsome.....damn I love that man. This wedding was sent by God!!! It was my dream wedding and everyone looked gorgeous!!!! The gifts that you gave were wonderful and I thank you. I shall be back from Paris in a month and I will be sure to tell you all about it. My Husband (Mr.P)(Or whatever Rhymes...lol) thanks you too. He is everything that I ever asked for. Tall, handsome, independent, secure, mature, romantic, faithful, God-fearing, disease/ailment/cancer free, family oriented and prosperous in so many things in his personal life and in his spirit as well. Wow.... Thanks, Universe...lol

I know I sound crazy, but if I asked for the engagement I might at well ask for the dream wedding......lol. It will happen one day, maybe today.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Magazine Offer

So, I got asked by the owner of a HUGE Magazine to write an article about Obama. That was it, no more details. And since I have never written an article before in my life I was nervous out of my mind. I let the CEO know that I had never written before and if it sucked, that I would completely understand and would take any criticism that he was willing to offer. So, I wrote, and I changed, and I edited some more, and then I prayed.....and I emailed it to him. Oh, did I mention that he found meon Facebook....lol.

Days go by and get finally gets back to me. It is a success!!!!! He likes it and we need to get together to discuss things further. So, I dont say a word...havent told anyone...even feeling jinxed just writing this. But he wants to meet me next week so that he can discuss me putting this into the upcoming edition of the magazine!!!! GOD IS AWESOME AND AMAZING AND JUST>>>>>WOW!!!!

So, here is the piece that I wrote.... I hope you like it:

History vs. Future
By: Arch Nemesis

In the case of History vs Future, The Honorable Barack Obama presiding, the people of America were finally given a voice as the whispers of John F Kennedy and Martin Luther King Jr softly echo for change over the media airwaves each time Mr. President speaks. “Yes, We Can” slightly shadows, “Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country”, and each campaign promise is merely a dream with a higher probability of coming true. Yes, he has similarities to the past but he knows that history is bound to repeat itself if not addressed and changed for the better, and what better way than to make the people accountable.

We, the people, must become a jury of peers and hold one another accountable for this “change” that Obama speaks of in his speeches. The people must put into action what has, in the past, only been spoken of yet never acted upon as Obama clearly points out. I feel Obama wants us to no longer be the defendants or even the witnesses but the prosecuting attorneys in our own homes, communities, churches, and places of employment as we fight for a conviction against the old government on the charges of 1st Degree Stagnant Policies, Premeditated Theft, and Involuntary Movements towards Reform with a life sentence of dream fulfillment , government officials paying taxes, and listening to the average man, and Joe the plumber doesn’t count.

Change starts with the average man, woman and child and somewhere the next spoke in the wheel of change is being welded. Change is beginning before our eyes. And no I don’t mean politicians learning to do the matrix when President Obama points to elect them to a government position and they know that they haven’t paid their taxes. That kind of change, though quite comical, is momentary but is the platform for a greater opportunity if the people of the United States so choose to grab hold and run freely with the possibility of change.

One of the largest changes I have seen with this administration thus far has been the involvement of children and young adults. In DC there are a set of 2 year old twins named Olu and Dela who reply “Barack Obama” when asked, “Who is your president?” There are teenaged African American males who debated how a law gets passed because “ Obama is the man” but “ he cant do anything until other people in the other place pass it.” It's an evolution, and awakening of minds; minds that will bring forth many more changes long after President Obama leaves the White house. These children don’t necessarily see and African American male in the most powerful position of the free world, but they do see what change can look like when it dawns a new suit. When change gets its shot on the stage, to them, it has the possibility of looking wonderful and to many Obama is the only tangible reflection of hope. And somewhere, the next reflection of change is being created.

Somewhere in America, “Change” is awaking to a brighter day and yawning from centuries of hibernation as a sea of Y2K conspiracy theorists figure out that they miscalculated the computer meltdown by 8 years since all computer and alarm clocks now read, “Today” and nothing more. Somewhere in America, a dream is being confirmed by the lips of grandparents who use to pacify the grandchildren who dared to dream as comedians joke to the effect that November 4th, 2008 played out much like a MasterCard commercial….Priceless! Now if there ever was a moment for Ashton Kutcher to wave his Punk’d banner high, now would have been the time as A.M. and P.M. are becoming irrelevant as the definition of “Change” reverberates off of light posts and public streets giving birth to the pregnant hope that once housed the Pledge of Allegiance. You see, TODAY and every TODAY following it, is all about change, be it fast or slow, expected or unexpected, majority or minority; and no matter how hard you try to ignore it, the clock will continue to read, “ Today”. Simply put, “Today” is the time for change and the moment for you to change for time, because somewhere in America a writer is writing an article about Obama and his call for change using court analogies just to prove a point. So,America, please rise. The Obama administration is now in session!