Monday, August 3, 2009

A Rookie's Tals: The Morning of NPS Travel

Today is August 3, 2009. Time 6:26am.

I am a Rookie. Been on the scene since 2007 but people dont believe it. Hell they didnt believe it then when I hit the stage with my poem "My Name Is". Thought that I had been in the game for a minute, I guess my theatrical training helped build up the momentum of stage presence. Who knows. But two years later, not that many people in the DC scene have come on after me, made a name for themselves and stuck around. SO technically... I'm still the rookie in D.C. Will be a rookie nationally as well b/c they still dont know me. Doesnt matter that I have been undefeated for two years in just about every competition that I have every entered vet poets shook when I enter a slam... no today none of that matters. Today is the day that I head to PSi's National Poetry Slam competition in West Palm Beach Florida.

I literally just woke up. Stank breath, blurried eyed, and anxious, all in the anticipation of stepping on a national stage and saying "This is me bitches! Love me or hate me, this is my cadence. I breathe allteration, fucked a sonnet once, and dare you to fuck with my haiku." Yes, today is the day that the Rookie leaves the nest. My first year trying out for slam team and I made it.... yes, today is the day that I prepare to show them what I've got; even though I dont even battle until Wednesday.

My Busboys & Poets 11th Hour/DC Slam team is comprised of Jonathan B. Tucker, 13 of Nazareth, andTsion the Wordsmith, and I am the only girl, but I bring heat packed tightly in an energized tongue just like my male teammates. Our team energy is undeniable, we work well with one another and, hell, we actually LIKE one another. This is the journey of the rookie.

More blog entries to come... this was just my first thought when I woke up this morning. Said a prayer to God to watch over my nephews, thanks Him for giving me the opportunity to even make it to this moment, the moment where I can sit here and type this. Today, is the day that I set the pace. Put up, or shut up. This is a Rookie's tale.

~~Arch Nemesis to BS

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