Monday, August 10, 2009

Rape 8-10-09


by: Arch Nemesis

Is it not rape

draped in expectation

sugar coated with promise

then taken out of context


when delicate soul issues trust

extends fortress gates for entrance

friendship molested and housed in secrecy


Lauryn found the joy of her world

while I found an opportunist there

3 miles south of the wind blowing from Jerusalem

offered Samaritan blessings

bathed him in oils

wrapped warm in lessons learned in Magdalene's trade

This done willingly

But is it not rape

when understanding gets drafted to war

secretly baptised in the blood of Iphigenia

Convincing enough to have Pharaoh let his morals go

As the peoplelites danced in the sea

telling tales that the opportunist once walked on Poseidon's roof tops


is it not rape

when freedom dangled before them for 39 nights into the journey through the wilderness

Blunt as deceptions

Used by Peter to deny me 3 times before the curtain closed

rocked me in the bossom of Abraham

gave dap to Issac

and begot a lie

Named my brother Cain

and history is what was done to me

Therefore who am I?

Dare not I call it by its name?


dressed in taxpayer's linens

Thief of Hope

painted secretly beside him

As he dined

the only one in the room

knowingly aware of his departure

Smiled boldly in our face

without a solid goodbye

Confused as to the Messiah or Judas

My wares tucked in his back pocket

Cock crows

Hung high

It was I

2days before the third

who rolled the stone away

to get back in my pride

Destroyed the evidence of him having ever made me a believer

Only to discover that my trust had died with him in the tomb

so I ask

Is that not rape


  1. you know you're good when someone reads the 1st 5 lines and is FLOORED!

  2. hahahaah Thanks diva! Trying out a different writing style. I usually just tel a story flat out. But I need to hone my skills, so thanks for the feedback. Pass it on.
