Monday, August 3, 2009

Rookie's Tale 2: Count Down to Travel

The count down has begun.

The time is now 2:56pmEST. Oh Boy!

So this morning after I wrote my intial thoughts.. I began my journey. I am still shaking. I dont know why. My stomach is feeling upset, I tried to eat a slice of pizza... but that made me sick. If I were sexually active I would swear I was pregnant.. but dang! No peace. So I double checked everything, put my toothbrush in the suitcase and was ready to head out the door.

NOw, whatever possessed me to NOT ask my roommate to give me a ride to the end of the street with all of my luggage... well whatever it was.. hell, it just was. And it was the dumbest idea ever. I didnt want to pay for parking when I could just walk to the end of my street, forgetting that I had a backpack, purse, and a 50lb suitcase going strictly up a winding hill. Well, at least I got my cardio in for this morning. But it sucked the entire way. (Pause....stomach feeling like it wants to growl but wont...smh) So I get there and I have missed the R2 bus. SUCKS!

So I stand there for 30 minutes talking to this random stranger, never got his name, but I think he was from El Salvador. I also think that he was trying to hit on me and check out my ass... but I could have just been hallucinating from the trek up the side of Mount Rushmore aka my street. But we talked and I found out his work schedule... etc.. and etc... and etc.. I swear I was listening.. and etc, and etc.. did I mention that I was listening? Good, because I was. I swear on a stack of hollow bibles! Well the bus comes and it stops at every single stop on the map. I swear that bus driver created a few stops just to personally piss me the hell off. I was already late for work, but I didnt care.. I'm going to West Palm Beach, bitches! We finally make it to the metro and I ride the yellow line in to work.

Once I get here... no one and I mean no one was here. Not anyone that I would need to do any work for. Damn shame.. I could have stayed at the house if I would have known this. But hell, who cares I am here now. KNocked out a few things, printed out every form I may need while at Nationals.... and I have been on since 10am. Fun times. I literally have 30 mins to look at anything related to work and then the auto-email is going up. 30 minutes to get food and then I am on the next metro train to Reagan National Airport to check in and off I go. the rookie. I can say that I am confident in my work, yet anxious to go to the arena where the big dogs hang. Wondering will this take away my rookie status that has shielded me for the past , almost, 3 years. I have a lot to learn and I hope that I am not that far behind the learning curve. Wow... This is what Dorothy must have felt like right before the sky got grey.. she knew a storm was coming.. but didnt know what to expect. I dont think I'm in Compton any more Roscoe!

Stay tuned!

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