Wednesday, August 19, 2009

A Dream: This house


Over the years my friends have hung out with me and have noticed that I love to say the phrase "Wouldnt it be funny if." When in fact, there would be nothing funny about it because what I would say would shortly thereafter, sometimes almost instantly, come true. So, something told me to write this dream that I literally just had. Some of the details are fading the more I wake up but hopefully I will get the gist of it. Not sure of the order.

Side bar: This Bhhendi Masala is good! Eating leftovers!

Well once I was able to go to Pier 1 and saw some kind of decoration and said.... this would look good in my Aunt's bathroom. Without noticing that I had never been to my Aunt's new house. 6 months later we ended up moving in with her and in fact..... it would have gone perfectly in her house.

This dream went as follows:

I was standing outside of what appeared to be a two-story white house with black trimmings. Almost barn-like details. Not really sure. I remember talking to someone, who I think my current mind associated with as my current roommate KL). I stood there and I told her... do you want this bedroom, pointing to the bedroom at the front of the house to the left, which does not have a direct bathroom connection or you can have that bedroom, pointing to the room on the risght side of the house, which has the master bath. Of course she replied with the master bathroom. I have no clue why I was in a bed, but I remember saying that I will move this bed into the bedroom on the first floor off from the living room for guests. I specifically remember saying , " You know, for when you have multiple friends come over, they can stay in there." Strange, because we dont have a ton of people staying overour house... but I guess it could be someone I have yet to meet.

So I remember walking into what I think is my room which is upstairs and to the left. Huge room, just sucks that the bathroom is across the hall and I remember not liking that b/c I like my privacy. It was on the same hallway as my roommate's room. I also remember being on the first foor and walking back to where my mind would have prefered a kitchen but running into this small tiny table with this victorian looking lamp/lampshade. The light wasnt on, but I still have a clear view of the wooden door it was sitting beside. There was a fire alarm lever, like how you see in schools, sitting there on the wall beside the door. The door looked like it had been painted over dark , dark, dark brown and it had a thick piece of wood crossing the upper door frame that fell into a latch and then had a huge padlock on it. I still have no clue why a door would look like that inside of a residential home but I do remember feeling physically erie and saying, " I dont like this in case of a fire." Hope that is not prophecy.

I walked back out into the living room and I heard my roommate call "Dad". For some strange ass reason, I drop to the floor and slide under the coffee table. I hear the tolet flush and a door open from the bathroom on the first floor across from the living room....and out comes this little high yellow baby boy with curley hair. My roomate asks, "Did he go?" to which a male voice said, yes. Another little boy, an identical twin, comes from around the corner where the stairwell was and appeared before me. I have no clue where they went and I never saw the man. Now that I think of it... I never saw the staircase either, I would just appear on the top floor. I dont even know if there was a basement.

I guess the part that threw me off was me asking my roomate if she was going to party and she said she didnt know what she was going to wear. She then asked me if I had the dress that I had given, and she gave a specific name but it escapes me now, and I told her let me unpack and I would find it. Specifically, and I remembber doing a hand gesture that implied the clothese were folded as I said, "It will be easy because I packed my clothes just as they were inside of the drawer." And I imagined a grey.silver form-fititng dress that stopped shortly below the butt. I also remember having a brief vision of dancing in the dress, but I never dreamed ever giving my roomate the dress. What is strange is.. .my current roommate and I dont wear the same size clothes. So I have n oclue who that is. All I can currently hope is to lose enough weight to wear the same size as my

I cant remember anything else... oh.. for some reason when I was outside of the house.. there were two people, but I dont remember who the second person was... and it was night time when I aked from outside which bedroom my roommate may want. Odd, right? Well I will keep you abreast of any new details. I have never seen this house before in my the details are far beyond me!

So here is what a site says about interpreting this dream just in case it isnt a prophecy or preminision (sp):

1. Inability to find the bathroom:
To dream that you can not find the bathroom, signifies that you are have difficulties in releasing and expressing your emotions.

2. Bedroom:
To dream that you are in the bedroom, signifies aspects of your self that you keep private. It is also indicative of your sexual nature.

3. Locked doors:
To dream that the doors are closed or locked, signify opportunities that are denied and not available to you or that you have missed out on. Something or someone is blocking your progress. It also symbolizes the ending of a phase or project. In particular, if you are outside the locked door, then it suggests that you are having some anti-social tendencies. If you are inside the locked door, then it represents harsh lessons that need to be learned (I dont like this one at all.... b/c I think I know which lesson I continue to fall on and I dont want to learn that lesson the hardway... so maybe this is a wake-up call. I gotcha. I hope that how I feel right now is the fullest extent of this)

4. Floors (Like how I fell to the floor):
To see the floor in your dream, represents your support. It may also represent the division between the unconscious and conscious.

5. Hallways:
To see a hallway in your dream, symbolizes self exploration and the beginning of a path that you are taking in life. You are going through a transitional phase in your life and journeying into the unknown. It signals spiritual enlightenment, emotional growth physical prowess, new opportunities and mental passages in your life.

6. New house:
To see a new house in your dream, indicates that you are entering into a new phase or new area in your life. If you are locked out of the house, then it represents rejection and insecurity. You feel you are being left behind.

7. Kitchen:
To see a kitchen in your dream, signifies your need for warmth and spiritual nourishment. It may also be symbolic of the nurturing mother or the way that you are caring for your loved ones. Alternatively the kitchen, represents a transformation. (But I dont remember seeing one at all so it could mean the opposite of this)

8. Living Room:
To dream that you are in the living room, represents the image that you portray to others and the way which you go about your life. It is representative of your basic beliefs about yourself and who you are.

9. Different rooms:
Dreams about various rooms often relate to hidden areas of the conscious mind and different aspects of your personality.

10. Children (specifically 2):
To dream that you are watching children but they do not know you are there, is a metaphor for some hidden knowledge or some latent talent which you have failed to recognize.

11. Twins:
To see twins in your dream, signifies dualities and opposites. It also represents security in business, faithfulness, and contentment with life. It may also mean that you are either in harmony with or in conflict between ideas and decisions.

12. Visitor (the father):
To have a visitor in your dream, signifies that some news or information is on its way to you. It may also indicate love is around the corner. Alternatively, it suggests that you are experiencing a new phase in your life. If the visitor is unwelcome, indicates your refusal to change

13. Brown:
Brown denotes worldliness, practicality, domestic and physical comfort, conservatism, and a materialistic character. Brown also represents the ground and earth. You need to get back to your roots.

14. Black and White:
To dream in black and white, suggests that you need to be more objective in formulating your decisions. You may be a little too unyielding in your thought process and thus need to find some sort of balance between two opposing views. Consider the views and opinions of others. Alternatively, black and white dreams is a sign of depression or sadness. You may feel that there is not enough excitement in your life.

15. Silver:
Silver represents justice and purity. It is symbolic of some protective energy.

16. Grey:
Gray indicates fear, fright, depression, ill health, ambivalence and confusion. You may feel emotionally distant or detached. (I dont like the ill health part... but I am currently sick)

I wish I could find what it meant to go under the table. But it keeps telling me that a table is about relationships.... who knows. OK. I'm done.

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