Monday, August 24, 2009

Perceptions: A Poem


by: Arch Nemesis


Are merely deceptions
Assigned to you
Lingering in your eye sight
As if lies like
To play with your emotions
Chasing after tail & feather
When you’re allergic & ticklish
Wondering why you’re shivering
And itching
But I guess
It is all about your perception
Cause from here
It could look like the Harlem Shake
But fool you live in Texas
Keep chasing her or him
Just because you figure
This time
Will be different
Believe me
Leaving the movie on pause
Doesn’t change the ending
It just means
You will pick back up where you left off
On pause
Or making up the ending in your mind
Going against the script
Changing the plot & characters
As if you cant see
That they will never be what you want them to be
Cause their actions
Are hell bent on proving to you that their not.
Stop Watching
As if it is a thief in your store
& you just so happened
To have shape shifted w/ God
It’s destined to stop for you
This life is your command
Make believe them perfect
Like On Demand
Falsehoods more dangerous than Watts
Where Robin Hood
Steals from reality
And gives to the pathetic
As if
Meter races get extended
And don’t change name
Just because you add a ball to a track runner
It won’t change games
It is all about the depths of your deceptions
Color coded based on a technicality spills in Aisle 5
And you came to clean up
With your own set of solutions
Part Peroxide
1/3 hallucinogenic oxymoron
And 4 quarters full blown lie
Wearing your mama’s good draws
On a bad day with holey stockings
Trying to show off your best assets
Putting them up on the foreclosure auction block
With no collateral
When your morals got its lien on
In clubs
Holding up walls
Like Jericho is running through your veins
And you
Would rather hold up something not worth holding
Than to love yourself
To prevent your own soul from falling down
But maybe
Through your deception
You gain the altered perception
That maybe,
Just maybe if you save this soul
And succeed
That you will feel you have the strength within
The strength needed to believe
That you were worth it all along
No matter what anyone else said or did
Erasing all of the falsehood perceived within
Getting to the point of understanding
That they need to earn you
Learn to get past the hurt in you
Punish the lies before they baptize truth
But what do I know
I’m just a poet who wrote this poem about you
Standing in the bleachers calling the plays
Because I’m too scared to talk about me
Too afraid to be a player on that same field
Because I am unable to see past the defensive line
Deception preventing me from seeing
That I am only one letter off
From coming to the conclusion
That it is just a defensive lie
My deception
Being projected in your reflection
B/c it’s safe there
But I guess it just all depends
On my

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