Thursday, July 2, 2009

Ignant people!

I have noticed that I cannot stand people who play victim... I CANT STAND IT!!! Nor can I stand it when people promise stuff and dont follow through.

I have begun to listen to people who blame things on other people. I listen and then I start to see if it is in fact other damn people. Because there is no way that it is all their fault and I start to see the same damn thing in you that you say that they accuse you of... umm. TRICK... IT'S YOU!!! Grow the hell up, get on your grind, stop playing the victim role or get the hell out of my life.

And I am trying to be patient in this one situation... but I am waiting on a few people to try and be as proactive as they faked that they wanted to be. I put the time out there.. and I am just waiting. So, people wonder again why I make it all about me... because in cases like this, if I waited on people I would be shit out of luck!.

Also, this friend of mine has their own venue down in NC, and he invited me down to feature at their event. I mean months ago they asked me to come down.. well here it is the week of and I havent heard about my flight information, what time I am to get there to perform... hell if I am even still performing... and I hate this shit. I have been calling for the past two damn weeks to try and get information and his phone just rings. I am putting forth the effort to call and verify. I am being honest. If they didnt have the money for me to come down there then they should just call and tell me hey you cant come. But this is some foul shit. Another person that I am gonna have to cut out of my life. Cuse I just need people to be damn honest with me. That's so simple and yet people cant even do that shit right.

Ummm... I guess that is it.. just out of it today. And a tree fell and took out my Fios (tv, phone, and internet)... so I am bored stupid after 5pm. Just pray for me and pray that it will come back on sometime tomorrow morning otherwise this weekend will suck ass!

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