Thursday, July 23, 2009

Day 1: Fitness Challenge (229lbs)

Hey y'all!

I feel.... tired! lmao! But I do feel proud of myself and energized. I didn't go to the gym last night because I had sooo much to do before Sunday so I decided that I would begin this morning. I also decided that morning exercises, though i hate to get up, would be better because nothing but a virus could get in the way of me getting up. I tend to find a million reasons not to go to the gym in the evening. SO morning workouts will have to be it.

I have a poem coming, but in a nutshell it will be about the vibe we put off about ourselves. We can say we are confident, feel beautiful, think we are all that, etc... but if you don't really feel that or believe that then the energy in how you respond to things (whether it be upset that your man just glanced at another woman, wondering why you are still single, or disappointed at your fitness level) will always spill out into the universe and people will pick up on it and respond to it in many different ways, good or bad. So, I am on a mission to become the answer to my own problem. Makes no sense in trying to handle other things if I can handle myself and the physical house that I have no choice but to live in. So, I am cleaning my home-home and I am cleaning my home(body). Time to show people I care about me rather than living in an unkempt house, random depression, what if & why questions, and risking health. I have placed myself into a prison.... no one but me did that. SO I don't need anyone's permission to bail myself out.

If you don't feel the same way... that's okay. This is just the conclusion that I came to on my own. Makes no sense for me to wonder why life is passing me by if I am just sitting there letting it. So yeah... clarity is here! & hopefully it is here to stay. Even ate a spinach croissant for breakfast. I just need to get down 4-5lbs by next Wednesday... that is all I really give a damn about right now. Well... have a blessed day!

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