Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Things that Irk Me About Male Profiles on the Web

So I started documenting the things that irk the mess out of me when I am searching the web on various sites, and I am scanning a male profile. These are just a few that became my twitter statuses... but I know that more will come as I continue to run into them. Enjoy and please leave your comments or further suggestions below.

  1. Women take pics w men/women in mind.Men take pics based on what they THINK we want & what their boys think is cool. Huge disconnect.

  2. If I see another pic of a guy with his penis out... I'm pressing charges b/c that is harrassment by way of internet! Isnt that illegal?

  3. If I see another pic of a grown man flipping birds... I am calling his mama

  4. If I see another dude with his status as "Its COmplicated" I'm leaving the country. How do you not know if you are single or not?!!!

  5. If another dude post a pic of a celeb as himself.I am slapping all of the females who responded to let him continue to get away w that mess!

  6. If a guy thinks that a pic of money,his dog,a random car in a parkig lot, or a house by the ocean will attract me.. I'll pay for therapy!

  7. If a guy takes a pic with 22 people and gets mad when I want to talk to the hot dude.... WTH? Guess you shouldnt have given me options!

  8. If I see a dude smoking cigs/weed in a pic & there is more smoke visable than you... I am calling you in. 911 on speed dial.

  9. If your house isnt clean behind you in your pic,you can close shop on getting a woman to clean it.Cause the 1 you get wont clean your house!

  10. Drinking from bottles of alcohol in your pic lets me know that your liver is shot and you will die soon. Now put me on your life insurance!

  11. If you do NOT live in the same country as me... no I will NOT call you, marry you, or send you money. So stop asking!

  12. It is NOT sexy for a guy to put 10 ways to communicate with him when you 1st meet. i.e phone,mama's phone,5 emails,ex as a reference,...etc

  13. If you are 69yrs old... DO NOT, I repeat DO NOT put up the pic of when you were 29...the Rick James poster in the background gives you away!

  14. Speaking in complete sentences over the age of 4 is NOT an option but a requirement in the Grow The Hell Up manual. Pg 1 Section 1-1-A

  15. If you are 4ft 8 inches, you are NOT allowed to call anyone shorty, shawty, shawt thang,etc no matter what region of the country you are in!

  16. If ALL of your pics on your page are of you holding your cell phone to take the pic... Kill yourself or get new friends!


  1. Oh you're getting there...I see your list getting much LOOOOOONNGGGGGEEEEEEEEEERRRRRRRR :)
    * Why do they always lie about their age?
    * Playing nintendo is NOT a hobby.
    * Posing by your car is NOT cool.
    * If they email late at's for one purpose only.
    * Why can't they ever answer a question directly?

    ~Just trying to add a little where you might have missed~
    I enjoyed reading your blog.

  2. Thankss so much!!! Dont remain a stranger!

    I just need to find the women who let them do this... maybe then it will stop!
