Thursday, March 19, 2009

Your Husband Forgot he was Married, NOT Me!

So, recently I was on one of my many websites and of course it is one of those sites where it advertises as a way to connect with your friends but has turned into an undercover dating site. Well, I am all for meeting new people so I chose to keep the site. Anyone who knows me knows that I don’t take sexual pics, never have and never will, so all of my pics are me in tasteful outfits and possibly out and about with my friends. Yet, my pics seem to grab guys' attention and conversations start from there.

Well, this one guy , screen name Kuntry Kool, decided that he thought I was cute. Sent me a message that said, " I like your dress in your pic." I replied with a simple thank you and left it at that. He had only been my friend for about 2 days. When all of a sudden, his wife hits me up with the following remarks:

This is Derrick's wife. This fool is my husband of 6 years and we have a 5 year old son. Obviously Derrick is extremely stupid or he would not e-mail you from my work computer. He has spent all 6 years of our marriage screwing around. Oh yea, we got together because he was supposed to be a man of God! Keep moving sister! He ain't worth any headache! No matter what my husband tells you. He is still with me and in my bed!

To which I so humbly replied:
Wow,Ummm... well congratulations on your marriage. And I would appreciate it if you would come to me with the respect that I would show you. I am not trying to get with your husband. Wasn’t interested. It is just cool to meet people. I don’t even know where he is from. I just talk to people, crack jokes, and keep it moving. So you remained blessed and I hope that all is well with you in the future. God bless!

But oh no.... she couldn’t leave it at that so this disgruntle wife decides to take it a step further by saying:


And if you know me, you know I couldn’t let it go down like that:

God bless you, sister. My "rear end" isn’t plastered on this site. I have respectable pictures on here. I still treat you with the utmost respect because I understand what it is like to not have enough self-esteem to leave someone and instead go after another female who you deem to be a threat. It's okay, everyone cant have an elevated sense of consciousness. And I will pray for you on that one. In the meantime... again, I don’t want your husband...he is on my friend's list but I've only spoken to him a few times. I don’t date married people off of the internet, not my style. But Again, I wish you much more self-esteem and the courage to handle your business with your husband and the intelligence in the future to come to the women who he converses to with more respect than you have given. Because I cant know.... what he denies. And that holds true because his relationship status on his page says SINGLE. Therefore, what he is denying, sadly enough, IS YOU!!!! Now I would carry on with this battle of wits, but I see that you, dear heart, are ill prepared. And no need in replying because you, your low self-esteem, ,your disrespectful behind and your trifling husband will be reported and blocked. Good luck with that. God bless! ~~The Bigger & Better Woman between the Two!

Now I know I could have just left it alone, but I couldn’t. Why is it that she found her husband's account on her computer and she feels the need to come after me with all of her anger and disrespect? HIS page said SINGLE! HE is YOUR Husband! I am just a woman on the computer having fun not knowing that his status is a lie.... so why am I attacked for being on a site when I don’t solicit sex or act a fool like the rest of these women.

So, should I be blamed for her husband forgetting that he was married? I mean I know I have that affect on men, but damn... should the drama be brought to my door?

Women, ladies, hookers hoes, females in training, etc. DO NOT COME AFTER THE OTHER WOMAN UNLESS SHE IS A RELATIVE OR A FRIEND WHO KNOWS YOUR SITUATION!!!! Reasons being:
1. If he can deceive you and you have ties to his credit & bank accounts....then what makes you think he hasn’t lied to us by telling us that he is single or recently divorced, etc.

2. I do believe that I don’t know you, and you don’t know me...which means that HE made it that way for a reason....and in my opinion you should keep it that way.

3. I was NOT present at your wedding, I didn’t catch the bouquet, I didn’t take pics of the cake, nor did I do the electric I am not held to the vows that you two made before God and your when he cheats....HE should be the sole one you attack.

4. Never attack a woman in a disrespectful manner and then turn around and call her disrespectful. Hypocrisy got married to Ignorance much like your husband denying you, honey; you are magnifying your lack of class for coming at an innocent female.

5. If you feel the need to confront the other woman, do it as an informational. Ask her if she knew he was married, ask how long they have been conversing, etc. Because only REAL women know that you use your enemy for information you don’t kill the tie you dumb trick!

6. Handle the problem with your man, and your man alone.... I shouldn’t know your business, I should know that your man has enough power to drive you crazy enough that you have to come out of the pocket on a website to attack me while also showing that you have little respect for yourself by stating that you stayed with a man for 6 years while he continues to sleep around. Smart, If I didn’t already know you were stupid....this right here would make you a genius!

What it all boils down to ladies is us taking responsibility for our own actions. You chose to get into a relationship, you chose to stay, and therefore you mustn’t blame someone else for the actions of the repeat offender that shares a bed with you. Please, don’t bring any drama to my door....because I'm seriously, I'm clinically crazy and I will tap dat ass!!!! So go on back home with your husband and deal with that mess. Ya dig!

Arch Nemesis has Spoken~


  1. You betta tell me if she writes back girl!
    LOL, but youre right. Women need to blame their man, not the other woman. Especially in that situation!

  2. I think that her coming at me isnt solving the problem. If you man wasnt leaving home, there would be no way that I could get him. So if he was honest with his status message then I wouldnt even be in the picture. It cracks me up, really it does. But hopefully she will get better. I blocked her so she cant

  3. I think you should have just told her that she should get a site and use it to talk to her husband since that would seem to be the only way he would communicate with her...LOL

  4. hahahahah @ Dre... that is funny as all get out! hahahahahaha. But yet, rather true.
