Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Line of Scrimmage


by: Arch Nemesis

He replies
Because I’m a man and all men do that
When She says
All men are the same
He wants to dodge the team’s name
To which I reply
How am I to tell you apart then,
If you all wear the same uniforms just different colors
Perplexed was he
Elaborating I proceed
If a +b=c
Then Player + Gentleman has got to equal Team
If this here relationship were equated to football
I’d be offensive
‘Cause I’ve got you on the defensive
Trying to protect your rightful place in your manhood
And just how you learned the game from another man
And you held it as truth,
I too learned the game from another man
Long before this definition given by you
So you cant expect me to give up my understanding to the rules of the game in the 4th quarter
I keep trying to block your running back
But your tight end’s got me on lock
I keep getting sacked
And I tried to see you
But these players keep pulling on my face guard
And you cant seem to understand
How I am tired of this unsportsmanlike conduct
And why the hell I want my Quarterback
Cant seem to understand that I am the owner to your Team
And you…
Are about to get traded
I’m at the line of scrimmage trying to wait for the truth of my words to snap
Blue 22
You aint 22
You may be a vet in this game
But these young bucks are giving your team a bad name
And some how the T.O.’s of your gender are synonymous with your game
It looks like you’ve got some Patriots in your stand
And they’ve got your plays on lock
though in your stats you may be a star
But word around the stadium says that ALL Detroit Lions aint –ish
I know it isn’t fair
Yet many of coaches have gotten fired when their teams don’t perform well
You cant get on the field and run for them
But at some point Coach, you got to take responsibility for your players
And saying “I’m not him” should no longer be a reliable audible
Because every time I turn on my tv I could care less who is on the field
All I see is the Team
And there is no I in team
So I suggest you go to your locker room and give your teammates a pep talk
As I will to mine
Because this is just football after all
And All men love football right.

So, this poem came from the idea of how guys think that women are crazy for holding them to what past relationships have done. And so, in speaking with a guy friend of mine.... he agreed to my theory. Even though this poem may be re-written, the idea remains the same. How is a woman supposed to tell a player from the players if you all wear the same jersey?

Confused? Well think this. It has been said to me and several females that maybe it is the places that we go that attract the wrong men. If that were the case, I wouldn’t be attracted to anyone at church, the grocery store, my single friends, or the entire artistic community...lol. So now that I am completely secluded from the entire community, I definitely won’t find a guy. SO that frame of thinking is flawed.

Disclaimer: I know that ALL guys are not bad, and that BAD guys give the GOOD guys a bad name. And Yes, GOOD and BAD guys can be found in many of the same places. Which reiterates my question....how am I suppose to know.

I am in the club jammin'. I see a wall full of guys posted (because in DC they don’t dance the guys just post! And if I am lying, go down south, watch some guys dance and then get back to me. Don’t worry, I'll wait. Tick tock tick tock tick tock. Post, right? Okay cool, now I shall proceed). Some guys have locks, some guys are clean shaven, some are thuggy, and some preppy, some average, and some are straight metro suspectual (Yes... I said it... METRO SUSPECTUAL!!! This is a blog all in and of itself! And if you hear anyone else say it... I created it, those thieves!lmao) So, which one is the bad guy?

One guy walks over to me, clean shaven, well kept, polite manners, and well-spoken. He introduces himself and asks to dance, to which I gladly oblige. As things progress, we exchange numbers and get to know one another outside of the club. Over time, he becomes possessive, mentally abusive, and his attitude completely changes. But he looked like a good guy, right?

I'm at a church event and it is single's ministry. This thug looking guy walks over to me and I am somewhat turned off by his appearance, but we converse. We meet up at several church events and eventually we start courting because he says that is what he believes in. Over time, I come to find out he is dating other females in the church behind my back. Now, how was I supposed to know? He looked and acted like a good Christian guy, right?

So translation. When a female says that all men are the same.....it is true. We never said you were completely the same, but the same none the less. There is like a magical play book that you all read and live by that we will never be able to decipher and this play book has been played on us in so many ways. The last guy said I was beautiful and that he would like me to meet his mother, but never mentioned he didn’t want me to meet his wife and kids. SO when you say it....what are you hiding?

We are on the field, down at the line of scrimmage and I am trying to figure out if this QB is going to run some of the same plays as the last QB from my game last week. On the offensive side, I can’t look just directly in front of me. I have to be able to stay in my pocket and look all around me as not to get sacked. I don’t have defensive lineman to protect me, I just have past experiences that can put up a block or two until I see an opening that I feel like throwing my heart to. Every single day, much like 2-A-Days, we hear the same old plays as we walk down the street. We know what that look means, we know when our "supporters/fans" start to boo & hissing at us, that it isn’t a good thing...and no matter what, hitting me on the ass is NOT apart of sports (kind of Suspectual if you ask me).

You all have on the same jersey; the I AM MAN HEAR ME ROAR logo tatted on your helmets. We see it, we appreciate it, but we as females need you to understand that one member messed up the entire team's image. We need the team captain to step it up and talk to his teammates. We need you to speak up when you see a guy mistreating a woman on the street. We need you to make better contract deals in the first place and not letting your previous management mess you up so badly that you don’t trust what this management is trying to set in place for you. (Hypocritical, right? Ummm no....) FEMENIST CLOSE YOUR EYES! Females were designed to be followers. On or off the field everyone pretty much relies on the QB. I can’t get my yardage unless the QB throws it to me. The QB could do it all himself if he chose, which some are choosing to do, which is leading us to think.... why do you need us then? It is a hard game. But some team captains need to step it up, yes.....step it up I said, because we want to be on your team. We want to be apart of your booster club, your cheerleaders, and your press team. But the way that we have been treated only make us feel like we are the ball boys (pun intended) and who wants to deal with sweaty balls all day?

It’s about communication. You start with the football players and I will start talking to my divas, and not so much a divas, over here on the cheerleading squad and then we will get together to see how we can make this a successful Playoff Season. Everyone in a huddle..... Black Love on 3. 1! 2! 3! BLACK LOVE!!!

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