Friday, March 20, 2009

Hoodzilla in The Office!!!

So, why is it that every time an African American woman walks into an office she has to do everything her way? Why is it so hard for her to adapt to change?

I have been at my current place of employment for several months now without any problems. None whatsoever to be exact, but what in the hell is it with this new girl? She came in and wowed us in the interview and turned into hoodzilla upon entering the office. I have more than just one problem with her, I have a ton!!!!!!! My problems with her are as follows:

1. Complaints followed by Medical Mysteries: This trick complains about everything. I LIE TO YOU NOT, PEOPLE, EVERY-THANG!!!! If it has anything to do with the job, she complains about it. She is in envy of my plush, comfortable chair and tried to gank it from me. I had to put a stop to that quick, but not before she would drop hints about her knees hurting or her rubbing my headrest while training her...oh not to mention her sitting in my seat when I walked away to get something from the printer. When asked to move some files from a lower cabinet, she now has lower back problems and wonders if she can change them to a higher cabinet. When asked to write something down off of a screen, now she cant see and is farsighted, you know the ability to see things up ( That was her explanation...when in fact farsighted is the inability to see things up close and the ability to see things far away). And since she is so freakin "farsighted" this is what causes her to place her books on the desk in front of her and bend completely oover with her face damn near buried in the book, which then causes her to get cricks and cramps in her neck and shoulders. She gets up and runs, yes people, she runs around the office because she says that she has rheumatoid arthritis and cannot sit still for a long period of time. Mind you, none of these medical mysteries were presented on her resume or application stating that she would need special care/treament or changes to her enviornment.

2. Hoodzilla: This girl is the most gold digggerish having person that I have ever come across in an employment situation. I mentioned that we may go out to lunch with our boss, to which Hoodzilla so swiftly inquired, " Is she paying?" Or the time that I said we may go to another building to get a few of the treats and, you guessed it, Hoodzilla says, " This ish is free, right?" Or the fact that Hoodzilla goes out of her way to ask our High Ranking Military COL if the rest of the office can be included on a tour and meeting for an upcoming conference. Tacky, Tacky, Tacky, Tacky. Or Like how yesterday she didnt buy breakfast because she was expecting our supervisor to bring donuts for everyone because he had done so the first week she started, and now the bitched starved the morning away.....that what she gets. She is trying to get something out of everything she does rather than coming in and learning the enviornment and figuring out where she fits in. I promise you that nothing aggravates me more than a hood rat looking for hand outs!

3. Been there & Done that!!!: She is quick to let us know that she has previously worked for an Admiral and almost became a government employee, and yadda yadda yadda.....therefore in the infamous words of Positive-K, remixed of course, " Bitch, what does your previous employment record have to do with me?" To which her hood ass replies, " I'm not trying to hear that see!" BEcause she cant take direction. Something as simple as please stand beside the copier I am about to print out a booklet for you was ignored as she chose to wait for it all to pile up. At which time she came back to take 30 minutes of my time trying to figure out how the binder was suppose to look because the copier ran out of paper, someone moved the stuff around in her absence, and she wasnt sure which order the papers were to be presented...mind you all of this could have been avoided if she would have just stood by the copier like I asked her to do. But of course, at her last job she would just hit print and get it all at once. Well, we keep trying to tell her that you last boss, Admiral or not, aint got -ish on our COL. And she needs to wisen up and fast!

4. Nasty Girl: Do you know that this scandalous heffa went into the bathroom, saw the Home & Gardens magazine and decided that she would take it out of our public restroom and bring it back into our office so that she could read the articles!!!!!!! She was placing files on top of the magazine, and ate a few inches away from it, and not once did it dawn on her nasty ass what the magazine was doing in the bathroom in the first place....BUT THAT IT EVEN CAME FROM THE BATHROOM!!!!! We straight Lysoled her desk down and then wiped it down with Clorox wipes because she had no common sense whatsoever.

I took her into the conference room this morning and told her about herself, to which she said that she felt me being nasty towards her. I admitted that I am a reactionistic type person and I was merely reacting to the nonsense that she was issuing. We walked out with fake grins and I still cant stand her. Because she is making my job harder by trying to fix what she keeps messing up. (In my best Sophia from COlor Purple Voice) I Loves dis job, God knows I do, But I'll kill her dead for I let her mess up my money!!!! Now someone needs to reach out and touch that sister, quick, because I have a different kind of touch in mind.

This doesnt make sense how we, as Black sisters, act towards one another; it can all be avoided if you ask me. There has to be a ground in which she doesnt think I am trying to dominate her, and I am fully aware that she is going to do things in her own way....and all that I am asking is that she respect my time and space without dirupting my process in the formation of her process. I want to see how long she lasts here.... because I am not the only one with this problem.

Arch Nemesis has spoken!~

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