Sunday, March 22, 2009

Nerd Prince


I was at a fav poetry spot just minding my own business, when a friend of mine walks into the spot. Hoooooooooooooooooot!!!!!! I mean, he has been in my face for the past two years and I noticed him...but I didnt notice him. Oddly enough, it was something as simple as contacts. Yes, contacts!

He usually wears these glasses that make him look kind of nerdy, but everything else is average and hot. I mean he has his muscles, his nice smile, a deep voice like I like....but damn those And he always has them so I didnt know if I could let go of my vainness in order to see past the glasses. But he walks in with contacts and his entire face lights up right before me and now.....he looks hot! He doesnt fit into my regular mode of who I would date, but something about being able to see his face without the glasses made him hella sexy to me. He is also different in his mannerisms, how he behaves socially, and how he treats women in general and that I have always noticed.

So, I guess it is good that I noticed him, but sucks because I dont think that he noticed me. Or if he has notcied me, he damn sure hasnt said anything about it. I will just sit back and remain cool, but hot dang it!!!! Did I mention that hewas HOT!!!!!????? This just goes to show that there can be a hot stud behind the nerdy glasses and quirky mannerisms that are staring you directly in your face.

I am learning to open my eyes to other guys that dont fit into my small window of hotness. And as I do that, I am finding more and more guys who I am finding attractive and are quality eligible bachelors. I am proud of myself, because I would want people to think that I was worth dating as well. So, though my standards are still high, they have a wider platform for people to stand on while they await for me to notice their worth. Wow, that sounded horrible, but dah well. I am growing. Still Noooo where near wanting to get married.....just chilling and loving learning about healthy relationships. But if this sexy nerd friend of mine comes up missing.... I promise you that I have him held hostage in my closet behind a glass door just so I can stare at

So my public service announcement: Please be nice to the nerds. They may one day be the Frog Prince that I was looking for!!!!


  1. Honestly? I liked the glasses :)

  2. Ummm... no. His face looks amazing WITHOUT THE GLASSES. I can see his face now. And he is rather handsome. Gorgeous features....and the deep voice helps A LOT!!! He is a regular Sexy
