Monday, March 29, 2010

Hi, My Names is Proverbs 31- Introduction

This will be the start of me learning me, and being completely honest. 2 Posts in one day... I must be on the brink of a break through.

This all began with another idea but I thought that I would keep a track of it here. Might help some people. So, I wanted to know who I was in the Bible... which woman. I ultimately want to be a Proverbs 31 kind of gal. Let's pray for that.

I figured that I have not been in successful relationships or even asked to be married b/c something was wrong with me. I am not what guys are looking for. All of the psycho-analitical BS will not work here, this is how I feel. I dont feel like any guy near me right now wants to love me....yet alone marry me. As a believer of The Secret I am sending some pretty horrible vibes out into the world. But that is how it is and has been for years. It is time to break myself out of this.

I was going to write letters to my future husband.... instead, I decided to write letters directly to God. Fix me first while praying that my husband will coem along. I guess your prayers will never get answered if you never pray them in the first place. I so pray that last sentence made sense. So here goes my journey on finding out who I am.

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