Thursday, April 1, 2010

Poetry Month: Poem #1 "Poetry is Not..."

April is Poetry month..... So we artists like to write one poem a day for the month of April. Wanna hear it.. here we go!

Poem #1
~*Poetry is Not.....*~
by: Arch Nemesis

Poetry is not what I do,
Nor is it that I amBut my name,
My name should be truth
Klepto to causes and emotions
Wrapped in metaphors
These words are a manifestation of who I claim to be
And manage to remain once crowd goes home
I am eclectically dressed in verb
Echoing from the limbs of my soul
They’ve got to be synonymous to truth for those who hang onto them
Mind to predicate
Like babe to breast
Nutrient for the heart
I know
I’ve witnessed
Word jumped off tongue
Sashayed down isle
Took hand and said
This piece is about you
Been there
Done that
Took someone's story and broadcasted it on stage
L Boogie sound tracking the transaction
Courage it took
After mic turned off
Lights rose
Words exchanged
Your poem was about me
They to me
Your poem touched me
Me to they
Souls wishing to touch the hem of our stage’s curtain
Insert here
What would a Messiah do
Blasphemy to those who misuse words
Walk souls to purgatory’s gates under the pretense of heaven’s entrance
I cant stand idly
Witness words being pimped
Preaching promises of revelation through Judas
Your syntax must die
3 days later never to rise
For if Art imitates Life
Then your words suggests that your life is merely imitation
Improper use of Be verb suggests you don’t exist
Neither does the lie you portray
Passing it off as poetryIf you are it
Then I stand affirmed that I am not
Poetry is not what I do
Nor is it that I am
Yet these words are a manifestation of who I claim to be
And manage to remain once the crowd goes home.