Monday, October 5, 2009


by: Arch Nemesis

The Mis-Education of a Negro
Began long before Carter G Woodson
Long before Fiddler fiddled
And Kunta captured
Try English palaces filled with Duchesses Or
Kings beheading non-believers
But it was Sailors
Off Ivory Coasts packing ships that mark history’s forgetfulness
Not recognizing home
Documentation serving as proof
Disbelievers refuting it
Oldest civilization
Oldest human remains
But today we bow heads
Ashamed of the place where
Human origin began
Ancient maps including
The Middle East &
Asia Minor
Evolution & Biblical error-proofed
You choose
Microorganisms or clay crafted
Either way
It is Ancient Africa in your veins
So was it not Africans
Who sold Africans
Into the hands of other Africans for slave trade
You’d be stupid to think that
400 years of slavery on the motherland
And 400 on this other land aint the same
Oh Pharaoh,
Won’t you let my people go
Fast Forward
Law states
1 drop
Full African
So explain
How massa’s decedents
Sucking mammy’s tits get exempt
While I had a malnourished heritage
And she lied not
She don’t know nothing ‘bout birthing no babies
Because she birthed kings & queens
Who were suppose to remember where they came from
And it damn sure wasn’t London
But somewhere they forgot
Forgot that no one has blue blood
And that blood is thicker than water
No matter how many oceans we’ve had to sail over
What about KKK hands drenched with my Great Granddaddy’s blood
Never said the drop had to be in you
But pretty sure it soaked in
Journeyed in their blood stream
Tapped them on the heart and said
Don’t you recognize kin
Medgar Evers showing up in their blood work
Jimmy Lee Jackson present in their arteries
Like they don’t know that
We don’t die, we multiply
T cell whipping every blood cell ‘til it becomes our own
Got us darker folks thinking we don’t like ourselves
When Emmett Till marked them erasing the face of themselves
Like the Sphinx in Egypt
Keep stealing everything
From Muddy Waters’ sounds
To the curves of Sarah Bartmann’s soul
Cant understand how the rhythm keeps escaping them
How what they perceive to be Africa
Can morph into shades of them
How they sit Front Street at our events
Because they’ve just got to know what’s going on
Fushizzled My Nizzled until My Nizzle was dead and gone
How they cant see that the want to be like us
Is the blood in their veins calling them home
How it wasn’t until this line that I realized I need to stop saying them
And begin to call them we
We cant escape what the proof if trying to tell us
Cant erase what is known to be true
But I guess it takes more than 1 drop to know where you came from
More than one drop
To know that my heritage is painted on
More than one drop
To be unable to deny your heritage
To be somewhat sure about your lineage
More than one drop
To realize
That I’m not the only one who’s been